Back in October of 2013, Mike Friedman asked if I would help him spread the word for a new project he was working on called I Am The Salamander, the story of a young cancer survivor who unwillingly becomes a superhero. I contributed (after all, I feel that it is important to support something that I am endorsing), then wrote a blogpost. You can find that my Salamander post HERE. As promised, I received a trade paperback copy of Salamander, complete with autograph, and an eBook copy that I have since read, and enjoyed.
But I am not writing to talk about a successfully funded Kickstarter. I am writing to talk about a new project by Mike called Lost Days. Once again, Mike has asked me to help by boosting the signal to get the word, and I am all too happy to do so.
You may know Mike from his work as a Star Trek novelist, or you may be familiar with his other numerous works. I have read several, and blogged about them on this forum. Just put Friedman into the search bar above and you can read my other blogs. But, is you don’t take time to do that, you need to know that I have a lot of respect for this author and his work.
Here is a video of Mike describing what this project is all about…
So, you might ask, since Mike is such a good writer, and has been so well published, why does he need to raise money through Kickstarter? Well, the answer to that question is publishers get very jittery about stories that they believe may not have a wide appeal, so they are reluctant to take on a project that is as focused as Lost Days.
As an educator, Mike knows how important it is to get young people reading at a young age. He teaches middle school history and wants to teach through his writing while showing students that one can learn about history, and have fun doing it. So Mike is teaching about how Pope Gregory brought his calendar into being by eliminating ten days from the Julian calendar. Therein is the lesson, but to bring this fact to life, he speculates on what might have happened during those ten days that were eliminated. So we have a historically accurate fantasy story aimed at students in the 6th through 8th grades. As an educator myself, I believe in what Mike is doing and have once again contributed to making his dream into a reality.
I learned that Mike was interviewed by The SciFi Diner recently. In this interview, he talks about the indie publishing business, other projects he has worked on, and about Lost Days. Give it a listen.
Perhaps you will consider contributing to making this project a reality. If you feel that reading is important, as I do, and have the means, make a pledge. There are some neat perks at various levels of contributions, but anything $1 and up will be very much appreciated. If you are interested, click on the link at the bottom of this post and it will take you directly to the Kickstarter page.
Well, there it is...
Well, there it is...