
The purpose of this blog is to have a little fun. It is NOT to start arguments. I don't profess to be an expert on Sci-fi, nor do I aspire to become an expert. You are welcome to comment on any and all content you find here. If my opinion differs from yours, as far as I am concerned, it's all okay. I will never say that you are wrong because you disagree with me, and I expect the same from those that comment here. Also, my audience on the blog will include some young people. Please govern your language when posting comments.

Posts will hopefully be regular based on the movies I see, the television shows I watch, and the books I read as well as what ever strikes me as noteworthy.

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Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Rose: Volume 2: A Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriller by PD Alleva - A Portrait Of An Alien Invasion In Chaos

The Rose: Volume 2: A Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriller by PD Alleva

I received a review copy of this book for free and am leaving this review voluntarily.

The Rose: Volume 2 continues right from where the first book left off. Sandy has been kidnapped by Alien Vampires and now, her child, who was taken from her before birth, is being kept from her. As any mother would, Sandy's only concern is to find her infant son and take him back. Phil, a skilled warrior, has made it his mission to find and rescue Sandy and her son. What stands in his way is an evil, ambitious alien, Sanos. In this second book of the series, the battles escalate on all fronts and it turns into another blood bath as humans fight to survive, Phil seeks to defeat Sanos and find Sandy, and Sanos is on a quest to take over as the leader of the alien forces and enslave the people of the Earth.

This segment of the saga picks up where volume one leaves off.

Sandy, who was kidnapped in the first book, is still being held hostage and continues to intensely seek the whereabouts of her infant son, who was taken from her before he was born. She finds herself transformed into something other than human and begins a campaign to win the confidence of her captors with deception. At the same time, Phil, the freedom fighter who caused much destruction and mayhem to the alien vampires, continues his attempt to rescue Sandy from the alien clutches. The ambitious Sanos, a vampire with a lot of power, works to take his place as leader of the invaders, but realizes he will have little success as long as Phil lives.

This story is intense and loaded with action from the beginning to the end, and the stage is set for a final showdown that will determine the future of humanity.

Sanos is obsessed with gaining power and is dividing the alien forces. His quest to become the leader of the invading forces has complicated their goals. The vampires and grays didn't think their task to enslave the people of Earth would be as difficult as it has become, but Sanos doesn't seem to care about anything except his own ambitions, and his power is becoming overwhelming.

The only hope is that Sandy will be able to make the aliens think she is on their side, and at the same time, the only way Phil will be able to rescue Sandy and her child, is to once and for all, destroy Sanos, finally destabilizing the alien power base.

In Rose 2, my takeaway focuses on Sanos and how reckless he has become. He doesn't seem to care what the goals of his fellow aliens are, he only wants to become the leader. His efforts are continually thwarted by Phil, and defeating him has become an obsession that threatens to lead the invasion to ruin. Sanos' power has corrupted him to where he seems to be the focal point of the story and there is going to be an epic showdown between him and Phil. I'm looking forward to it, hopefully in the third installment of this saga.

As second books in trilogies go, this one is well done setting the stage for an inthralling conclusion. This segment moves at a blinding speed and the action never lets up, while at the same time, gives us a lot of insight into the characters introduced in the first volume. If you enjoy an action-packed story with great characters, both good and evil, you're going to love this novel. It is intense!

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Born in Brooklyn, New York, raised in Westchester County, New York, living in South Florida since 1992. A child of the 90’s PD has coined a new genre, Alternative Fiction. Why? Because Multi-Genre Author sounds like you’ve got marbles between your cheeks. 

Horror, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Supernatural, Dark Fiction, Thrillers and Mysteries, a little bit of sumpin sumpin for readers who enjoy intellectual and yet over the top lets blow our minds and rock out to amazing and extraordinary stories, heroes and villains. PD's latest release is The Rose Vol 1, a dystopian science fiction thriller, a series that features a sophisticated although primal and ravaging species of Alien Vampires living in hollow earth who have conspired with alien greys and elite humans in an attempt to subjugate the human population. Vol 1 was published on October 7, 2020 with Vol 2 slated for publication in early December 2021. PD will also publish his horror novel, Golem in early October 2021.

PD can best be described as a kind hearted, compassionate, hypnotizing, mesmerizing, do good save your life simpleton who would rather hang out all day with the characters in his books than venture too far away from home. A lover of isolation, meditating on the beach at sunrise, and howling at the moon after sunset, he’s either the life of the party or the oddball sitting alone in the corner with that really strange look in his eye as if he’s talking with people that are just not there, perhaps receiving a few concerned stares as he laughs at himself or maybe a funny joke one of those voices just told him. OH, All IS WELL ISN’T IT?

PD loves the creative process that comes with writing. From the spawning of a new idea to jotting down notes or sending a hurried email to himself even during the most off time to do so (the book always come first), to the artful craft of editing all the way to publication, there is nothing better than producing an exceptional book. 

An avid reader who loves to talk books, PD will write short reaction reviews for the books he has finished and has not one issue answering questions from readers as they come.

Well, there it is...


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