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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Domo Arigato, Mister Roboto: Companion Chronicles Vol. 6 by Joshua Todd James - The Final Installment To An Amazing Saga!

Domo Arigato, Mister Roboto: Companion Chronicles Vol. 6 by Joshua Todd James

I received a copy of this book for free and am leaving this review voluntarily.

Domo Arigato, Mister Roboto is the sixth and last book in Joshua Todd James' Companion Chronicles series. It is the conclusion to the exploits and adventures of Jacob Kind, a synthetic Companion who witnessed the murder of his Primary, a human who purchases a companion. Her name was Sylvia Kind. She was more than a simple Primary to Jacob; she was also his teacher and mentor in humanity who encouraged Jacob to learn and improve himself. Following Munson Tolliver's brutal attack, Sylvia lay dying in Jacob's arms. He promised her he would work to protect and serve humanity at all costs, and he promised himself he would find those responsible for Sylvia's murder and bring them to justice.

I have taken this journey through all sorts of situations, both good and bad, from the beginning. It is one of the most compelling sagas I have ever read. It is emotionally charged spanning all levels of emotional engagement, and I found myself angry at the level of cruelty humans are capable of, not only to Jacob, but to each other as well.

Jacob's saga will make one think, reflect, and introspect on what it means to be human, as well as being inhumane to those lesser than us.

In this final book brings the story to a close with another story that answers all the questions raised in the previous installments. It is full of characters a reader can care about, and a few that are appalling. If you choose to read, keep your eyes open for some surprises that knocked me out of my chair when I reached them. There is plenty of action, suspense, and compassion to keep any reader engaged and entertained.

After running off the road in a stolen truck, Jacob wakes up after being cared for by a retired doctor named Larry, his wife, Evie, and their cat, Socrates. Jacob is in bad shape from the accident, a gunshot wound, and a morbid addiction to painkillers.

While he appreciates the care he is given, he is also very aware that his mere presence puts his benefactors in grave danger should anyone discover he is there. Along with that, Jacob is eager to get on with his mission to find the murderer, Munson Tolliver, and another man named Larkin Finn.

Jacob heals from his wounds well but also undergoes a brutal round of detoxification from the painkillers that have him in their grip.

Jacob Kind is a compassionate individual who will help anyone in need, but out of necessity, he has also learned to be brutal. It is unfortunate, but everywhere he goes, he faces people who want to hurt him because he is different. In Domo Arigato, even with the kindness of Larry and Evie, he still finds those who perceive him as a threat. Jacob's primary objective is to find the one man responsible for the death of his adopted mother, Sylvia, but his promise to her means that instead of going out to search for the murderer, he will stay where he is until those who have taken care of him are safe from harm, as per his promise to Sylvia.

Larry and Evie are a couple who have moved to the country in upstate New York to get away from the hustle and bustle of life. They live in a nice home with their cat, and soon to arrive child, only wanting peace and harmony. They have an interesting lifestyle anyone might desire, but they also harbor secrets.

Munson Tolliver is one of the most reprehensible, evil, and irredeemable characters I have ever found in anything I have ever read. He is a person who enjoys making others suffer and kills without remorse. He is also relentless in his pursuit of his prey. This character casts a shadow over the entire series, but in this installment of the Companion Chronicles, he becomes the stuff of nightmares.

My favorite point of plot in Domo Arigato is the healing of Jacob Kind, freely given by Larry and Evie. They ask nothing in return for their ministrations. Jacob is grateful for their care and does his best to show his gratitude in return. In order to avoid major spoilers, I will just leave that where it is.

My takeaway from this story, along with the entire series, is how these books made me feel. It runs the full gamut of emotional content, and it gives the reader pause to reflect on their own feelings and intrinsic biases, and the damage that can be done if one doesn't examine their own thought processes. It is a real eye opener.

Through his work, I have come to know the author, Joshua Tood James, as an outstanding writer worthy of attention. Through this final installment, and the five previous stories in the Companion Chronicles, I feel I have learned to think about things I haven't explored before. But these books aren't just a tome for self-exploration, they are also some just great and entertaining stories. Domo Arigato wraps up the series by answering all the questions a reader might have as they read the series and is a well written, fast-paced tale. I give my highest recommendations for all the books in the series. Together, they make up an amazing epic to fire the imagination and spark the question of how we will deal with the future of Artificial Intelligence should it also become sentient.

The books of the series are...

Some Animals - Volume 1

Minority Of One - Volume 2

Freedom Run - Volume 3

Man In A Box - Volume 4

Renegade - Volume 5

Domo Arigato, Mister Roboto - Volume 6

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Joshua Todd James is a novelist, screenwriter, and playwright based in New York City. He's written the feature film Pound of Flesh, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, and the upcoming film Take Cover, starring Alice Eve and Scott Adkins, among others.

Books include The Companion Chronicles, detailing the adventures of synthetic person, Jacob Kind in the novellas Some Animals, Minority of One, Freedom Run, Renegade, and Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto.

Joshua is a member of WGAE and likes ice-cold tea, cool summer breezes, and hot Brazilian Jiujitsu.

Well, there it is...


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