
The purpose of this blog is to have a little fun. It is NOT to start arguments. I don't profess to be an expert on Sci-fi, nor do I aspire to become an expert. You are welcome to comment on any and all content you find here. If my opinion differs from yours, as far as I am concerned, it's all okay. I will never say that you are wrong because you disagree with me, and I expect the same from those that comment here. Also, my audience on the blog will include some young people. Please govern your language when posting comments.

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Beyond The AI: Danny And The Mystery of Neuranetrix 3 By Deepesh Ramachandran Vijayalekshimi - Great First Novel By An Experienced Tech Professional

Beyond the AI: Danny and the Mystery of Neuranetrix 3 by Deepesh Ramachandran Vijayalekshimi

I borrowed this book from Kindle Unlimited and am leaving this review voluntarily.

Beyond the AI is a young adult novel about a boy and a computer, but not just any computer. As a matter of fact, the title is more descriptive of the machine Danny finds himself in possession of.

As far as I can determine, this is the first published novel by Deepesh, and it is a good one. There isn't a dull moment in this tale of intrigue and mystery. It is a thrilling ride written by an author who knows technology firsthand and combines his knowledge with his creative spark.

I said this is a young adult novel, but anyone should be able to enjoy this story. That being said, there are a couple of brief incidents of violence parents might be apprehensive about in the prose if their youngster picks this one up.

Danny Johnson and his family arrive at their new home in Timberdale in early October. They are excited to be moving into a new home, but there are certain financial hardships that come with the property. Danny, a twelve-year-old middle school student, eagerly explores his the new home and, in the attic, discovers a very large and heavy computer tower under a pile of old clothing. Excited that he has found a new gaming machine, talks his dad and grandfather into moving the machine into his room. Danny's uncle arrives with monitors and other components for the machine.

In the meantime, Danny makes friends easily with some of his classmates at school who help him figure out the password to crack into the system. What they discover is beyond their expectations, way beyond, as a matter of fact.

And so begins the mystery of the NeuraNetrix 3 system. Danny's life take a wholly unexpected direction that includes the threat of disaster.

Danny is a highly intelligent kid who lives with Matt and Jessie Johnson, his mother and dad, and his little sister, a young toddler named Evie. His friends are also very smart and all above-average students. His uncle, Josh, is a well trained and working computer expert who knows his way around tech. Then there is Danny's grandfather, Chris. He is an extraordinary handyperson and carpenter who makes a pretty good living in the community handling work wherever he can find it. Chris and Danny have a special relationship and spend a lot of time together. 

Together, they all get caught up in the mystery as Danny takes it upon himself to solve with the help of his family and friends. But the task is humongous, and eventually, law enforcement and government agencies become involved when the scope of the crisis is uncovered.

If there was a point of contention for me in this story, it is with the kids. I felt as though they were maybe just a little too mature for their age. They used vocabulary that seemed a little above their level. I suspended my disbelief a bit to get through this point.

That being said, I appreciated one scene in particular where Danny shows a level of maturity and understanding that touched me in a deeply personal way.

In one scene, the family was shopping in a store with a display of Halloween costumes. Danny was enthralled by the display, and Matt noticed his son's obvious fascination with the selections. Matt reminded his son about the financial burdens the family were experiencing and regretfully suggested he wear a costume from the previous year. Danny responded with understanding and maturity. Instead of disappointment, the boy suggested just getting a costume for his sister and said... 

"We've got a great new home now. That's what matters."(Page 51)

On a personal level, this hit me in the feels because I remember one year, my own dad's union was on strike during the Christmas season, and money was quite tight. The memories of what my parents must have felt during that time came flooding back to me.

My takeaway from Beyond the AI is to remember that sometimes we take on tasks that are too large for us to handle alone. One needs to be willing to accept help from others to accomplish such things that are too large, or the result will be failure.

I recommend Beyond the AI to readers in the middle school level to adult. It is a fine story that kept me entertained all the way through. I enjoyed the interactions between the kids and adults. On another level, I found this tale thought provoking, in that we are currently on the cusp of an artificial intelligence revolution. We have yet to learn what the future of this technology holds for humanity. There is a promise of great benefits from AI, but it also opens up a whole new possibility of exploitation by those with nefarious intent. 

I look forward to Deepesh's future creations and am eager to watch the growth of this brilliant new author.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Deepesh, hailing from Kerala, India, is an engineer who has carved out an impressive two-decade career in the technology sector. His journey has seen him work with tech giants like Meta, Intuit, and Microsoft, in addition to collaborating with a handful of other multinational corporations and startups.His professional journey took him to the United States, where he spent approximately six pivotal years in Silicon Valley, refining his expertise in AI and machine learning, and immersing himself in the forefront of technological innovations characteristic of Silicon Valley culture.

Deepesh's interests extend beyond the technical realm of algorithms and codes, reflecting his diverse passions. Endowed with innate creativity, he holds a deep affinity for science fiction literature and music. When health hurdles temporarily diverted his tach path, Deepesh embraced the chance to explore his artistic side fully. In his writing, he skillfully interlaces technical expertise with vivid imagination, guiding readers through enthralling landscapes of speculative fiction. Through his examination of futuristic themes and ethical quandaries, he challenges readers to contemplate the far-reaching consequences of technological progress.

In addition to his literary pursuits, Deepesh finds solace in and inspiration in music, where he channels his creativity into compositions that resonate with emotion and innovation, His diverse cultural background and multicultural experiences infuse his work with rich, nuanced perspectives, rooted in his upbringing in Kerala, fondly referred to as God's own country.

As Deepesh embarks on this new chapter of his career as both an author and musician, his innate creativity inspires him to thoughtfully engage with the worlds of literature and music.

Well, there it is...


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