
The purpose of this blog is to have a little fun. It is NOT to start arguments. I don't profess to be an expert on Sci-fi, nor do I aspire to become an expert. You are welcome to comment on any and all content you find here. If my opinion differs from yours, as far as I am concerned, it's all okay. I will never say that you are wrong because you disagree with me, and I expect the same from those that comment here. Also, my audience on the blog will include some young people. Please govern your language when posting comments.

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Friday, September 27, 2024

The Aftermath: Titan (The Aftermath Series Book 2) By Bradley James - Loaded With Action, Surprises, And Superior Characters!

The Aftermath: Titan (The Aftermath Series Book 2) by Bradley James

I received a copy of this book for free and am leaving this review voluntarily.

Note: This title is due to go public on October 18, 2024

To start, I will share a quote from Bradley appearing at the beginning of this book:

"Whoa, Not So Fast!"

"The Aftermath: Titan is the second book in The Aftermath series. If you have not yet read the first book in the series, then it is recommended that you start there."

As the author politely says, it is recommended to start with the first book in the series, The Aftermath: Lunar. I would not only agree with Bradley, but I would also say it is a must! I will reference the first novel in this review, so if you haven't read Lunar, I urge you to close this blog post and read it first!


The Aftermath: Titan is the continuing story of an Earth astronaut who witnessed the apparent destruction of his home planet while on a mission to the moon. His original mission was scrapped, and his only focus became survival.

In Titan, the story of Elliot Adams continues, and the stakes get ramped up ever higher than before.

I absolutely ripped through this book with such fervor and finished it in five days between other things I was supposed to be doing. After having to set it aside, I thought about it, and couldn't wait to get back to it at the earliest opportunity. Titan flows like a fast river, as one reads. It is chock full of action, suspense, battle, humor, and it is all driven by a cast of excellently written characters a reader will become invested in!

Bradley has mastered writing some great sci-fi that unfolds on an epic scale. The world building and setting of the story's scenes is vivid and one can almost feel the environment the characters move through.

***Spoiler Alert***

The Lunari live a primitive life under the surface of the moon. However, they are actually being, more or less, enslaved by the aliens who call themselves the Telvanni. When the Lunari learn the truth about what they once considered their gods, they rise up, and with the help of stranded astronaut, Elliot Adams, they are victorious in defeating the Telvanni.

The Telvanni are led by a cruel master known only as the General who is killed in the uprising, and those of his troops who survive are imprisoned in their base.

But before he dies, the General reveals something very disturbing to Elliot. It is something called a Death Shepherd.

Elliot is accepted by the Lunari and develops strong relationships with many of the people living there.

***End Spoilers***

Eliot learns what the Death Shepherd is, thanks to Dax, a technology expert who worked for the Lunari under duress. Elliot realizes he must go to Titan, the moon orbiting Saturn, where the Telvanni have established their main base in the solar system. Elliot and his befriended Lunari embark on a perilous mission to accomplish several goals, including saving lives on two worlds.

Nothing is easy, and the odds are stacked against Elliot and his companions.

Elliot is not only an astronaut, he is also a trained soldier. Thanks to his being from Earth, he also has a secret weapon that will serve him well on his quest. He is a good and kind man but is not to be underestimated. He can deal out some violence when the occasion arises, and it does. But, like any great hero, he needs help from others as well, and he has some good and skillful people on his side.

Dax is little more than a slave because of something the Telvanni hold over his head. When he has the opportunity, he teams up with Elliot and the other Lunari. Although some would see him as a cowardly collaborator, Dax is anything but cowardly.

Mayto, the son of the Lunari Chief, did not like Elliot initially, but he warms up and the two develop a great friendship. They have each other's backs and work well together. Mayto has a temper that can get out of control, and often does, but Elliot and others remind him he must not let his temper control him. He must learn to control his temper and through this, he will have far more success. He learns this lesson well, with reminders, of course.

Ava and Bella are a mother and daughter team. Ava's husband is presumed dead, and she and Elliot strike up a relationship during the events of the first novel in the series. Their plight is mostly separate from Elliot and is, in itself, a great story.

There are a few truly cruel and evil characters in this tale. The Supreme Telvarch is the leader of the Telvanni and is truly drunk with power. He will stop at nothing to gather more and more power. His main henchman, Dravix, is a man who loves killing and making people suffer under his torture. These two are monumental villains with no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. Of course, this only adds to the fun that is Aftermath: Titan!

My first favorite point of plot is the epic battle scenes in the story. They are huge in scope; with dire consequences should our heroes fail to achieve their goals. The consequences are just as dire for the bad guys should they fail. There are victories on both sides as the scenes unfold and the outcomes offer some amazing plot twists, one of the major strengths of this tale.

Second, I loved the dialog between characters! Another of Bradley's strengths as a writer is creating dialog that is witty and, at times, hilarious, but also shows great compassion and the deep friendships the characters share. The witty banter happens at moments where the reader may need a break in the tension to catch their breath, but the action continues to ramp up, after those moments of relief, to greater and greater heights.

And last, but not least, are the plot twists and turns! There is a surprise at nearly every page turn which drives the reader on to the end, and when the end comes, the reader is going to want more!

The theme that stands out for me, and my takeaway from The Aftermath: Titan, is to remember how heroes never go into a situation to become heroes. A real hero is someone who sees a situation, or a need for change, and does what it takes to get the job done.

I give my highest recommendations for The Aftermath: Titan, and for the previous novel in the series, The Aftermath: Lunar, as an unfolding sci-fi space opera saga that is exciting, filled with on-the-edge-of-your-seat action, and just plain fun to read. There is never a dull moment in these stories, and the current installment is jam-packed with all manners of emotional content. The reader will feel great triumph, disappointment and despair, deep sadness, and much joy all the way through this fast-paced story. It is well worth the investment of time to read and will not disappoint sci-fi fans. Bradley has written a masterpiece with his very first series of novels and I am so happy to have found them!

Remember, read BOTH books in order. Lunar is full of background information that will help in understanding the universe created by this amazing author.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Bradley James published his debut novel, The Aftermath: Lunar, in early 2024, realizing a long-held dream. Since then, he has been irreversibly bitten by the writing bug, immediately embarking on his next literary adventure without looking back. When not immersed in crafting narratives, Bradley can be found indulging in long runs, losing himself in books, consuming copious amounts of coffee, or passionately cheering on his favorite football team. Though born in London, he now resides in Southwest England, where the lush landscapes often serve as a backdrop for his creativity.

Look at Bradley's website: and join his Facebook group:

Well, there it is...


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