Ward was tapped to wrap up The Fall series of Star Trek novels that were
released this past year. His task was to
take all of the loose ends that were presented in the previous four books and
bring them together to form a complete picture.
He did so quite expertly, as those of us who enjoy Trek novels have come
to expect from Dayton. He does not
to this point in the series, the Federation has fallen into some times where
corruption is being discovered at the highest levels of government. The president of the Federation, Nan Bacco
has been assassinated, a member race of the Typhon Pact is suspected at first,
but it is later discovered that a Cardassian faction called the True Way was
actually guilty of the deed in order to disrupt improving relations between
Cardassia and the Federation. Captain
Riker of the USS Titan is promoted to Admiral and charged by Admiral Akaar to
get answers on what is happening at the highest levels of the Federation
government. Dr. Julian Bashier took it
upon himself to find a cure for a disease that was threatening to make the
Andorian race extinct; for that, he may have to face charges of treason. Andor rejoins the Federation. Riker turns to one of the only people he can
trust to aid him in his endeavor, Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
abound in Peaceable Kingdoms. While DS-9
is without a medical officer, Dr. Crusher is sent there to take over until a
replacement for Bashier is found, however She actually goes on her own secret
mission to discover the identity of remains of a living person. Riker and Akaar are trying to find Presiden
Pro Tem Ishan’s aid to learn about his complicity in Bacco’s death. Some Federation officials believe that they
should be taking a harder line in dealings with other races and factions. And all leads to a discovery that someone is
not who they appear to be while on a power-grabbing quest to hold the highest
office of the Federation.
Kingdoms is a typically (at least in my experience) fast paced fun ride in the
Trek universe from Dayton. He leaves no
stone unturned as he guides the reader through all the deception that takes
place in the entire series. While one
might suspect they know the answers as they read, there are surprises to be
found. The story is solid and satisfying
while at the same time leaving the doors open to future questions that
hopefully will be answered for those of us that enjoy reading the continuing
story of the characters we have come to know, and the new ones that are
introduced as time goes on.
me as a reader, one of Dayton’s strongest gifts in writing for the characters
is his ability to capture the essence of the characters personalities so that
one can actually hear the voices in the dialog and in their thoughts. He never disappoints.
The Fall Series In General
you have not already read the series, you should read them in order to avoid
spoilers. The series includes the
following books:
Revelationand Dust by David R. George III
The Crimson Shadow by Una McCormack
A Ceremony of Losses by David Mack
ThePoisoned Chalice by James Swallow
Kingdoms by Dayton Ward
a fine series that together tell a great story of political maneuvering and
corruption at the highest levels of Federation government.
do have one minor nitpicky complaint though.
In the first book, there was a thread that never seemed to be picked up
that perhaps might appear in a future novel.
In Revelation and Dust, there was a long subplot that involved Kira
Nerys who had become a Vedek and entered the Wormhole and was being given
visions of Bajoran history. That thread
never was really picked up in the rest of the series and as a DS-9 fan I would
be interested to know where that was heading.
Just a thought.
I have always been curious about the creative process and found myself even more
curious about the creative process when it comes to writing in a collaborative
situation such as it take place in a series of books that are penned by
numerous authors, as it is in the fall.
Every now and then, Dayton Ward opens his blog, The Fog Of Ward, up to
questions from the public. A few days
ago he did and I took advantage of the opportunity to ask about writing a complete
story with others. I asked:
"Having just completed The Fall series, I find
that I am curious about the group writing process. How close are the
collaborations? Do you ever find that someone has written you into a corner
that is difficult to write your way out of? Is there a master plan of what
direction a series is to take? Do you ever thanks heat for maybe not going in a
direction that a previous writer might have wanted you to take?”
Dayton answered:

Just my $.02.”
I should mention that after I contacted Dayton asking for permission to post this on this blog, he pointed out that his answer was about collaborative writing in general and should not be taken as any specific reference to the writing of The Fall.
Well, there
it is…
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