
The purpose of this blog is to have a little fun. It is NOT to start arguments. I don't profess to be an expert on Sci-fi, nor do I aspire to become an expert. You are welcome to comment on any and all content you find here. If my opinion differs from yours, as far as I am concerned, it's all okay. I will never say that you are wrong because you disagree with me, and I expect the same from those that comment here. Also, my audience on the blog will include some young people. Please govern your language when posting comments.

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Crackle and Fire: An Angela Hardwicke Mystery By Russ Colchamiro - Hard Boiled Sci-Fi Mystery With A Noir Twist

Crackle and Fire: An Angela Hardwicke Mystery (Angela Hardwicke Mysteries Book 1) By Russ Colchamiro

I learned about this book from a Facebook post from the author promoting the third book in the series soon to be released. When I went to Amazon to pre-order that one, I saw there are two more in the series, so I thought it only natural I start with at the beginning. I contacted the author and asked if the book needed to be read in order and he assured me each story is a stand-alone and can be read out of order. The only element one could consider an arc is character growth.

Crackle and Fire is a sci-fi mystery story, but what really appealed to me was the pulpish-looking cover art suggesting a traditional detective story written in the noir style. That is exactly what this story is! The principal character, Angela Hardwicke, is a hard-nosed private investigator for hire. But a great character is not all there is to it, there is also a great backdrop of world-building for Angela to play in. When you also throw in good old-fashioned private eye sarcasm and cynicism, you get an eminently entertaining tale of intrigue.

There is so much to like about Crackle and Fire, I hardly know where to begin. I'll just start out with calling it a fun and entertaining rollercoaster ride.

In the blurb, it is said the story is a combination of Dr. Who, Blade Runner, and Philip Marlowe all rolled into one. All those elements are part of the tale.

Angela is a P.I. who knows her business and has a reputation for getting the job done. When she is approached by a man who wants her to track down some stolen corporate files, it sounds like an easy open and shut case. It turns out it is anything but easy as she must fight her way through a web of lies, being chased by elements of organized crime, a mysterious murder, and an insane malevolent traveler who us willing to travel long distances to get what he wants. Add to that her struggle with her own personal problems and nothing is easy for our hero as she works diligently to untie knot after knot, plodding through hopefully to a successful conclusion. 

Our principal character, Angela, is a P.I. from a place called Eternity where the universe is regulated. So, she's not just any gumshoe, and she has the smarts and instincts to rise above the pack. My favorite thing about her is how she handles herself when confronted by difficult situations. She never breaks character and stays just as hard-boiled as any other time. But there is more to her. She has a personal demon she is constantly fighting, and sometimes it gets the best of her. Her demon exists as a psychoactive drug that is powerful and holds one like a pair of vice grips. Angela is desperately trying not to give in to her addictions because if she does, she will forever lose what she cares most about.

No, I will not tell you, you're going to have to do your own investigation - read the book.

The entire tale is told through Angela's eyes. We get everything from her narrative, and it is all great.

My favorite point of plot is all the swerves the reader will encounter as the story unfolds. It starts out pretty simple and there is a constant crescendo in the action and just when one thinks it is ending, there's a new twist, or another wrinkle. It is just layers upon layers of brilliant storytelling in Crackle and Fire.

My takeaway from this tale is to remember that one should never take anything for granted. Something may look easy, but one can never know everything, even if one is highly intelligent, it is impossible to predict every contingency, especially when there are other people involved.

I loved Crackle and Fire. I love the protagonist, the style it's written in, and the colorful world building. I recommend this for anyone who enjoys mysteries in the noir style of storytelling combined with science fiction. I am looking forward to the next books in this series.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Russ Colchamiro is the author of the rollicking space opera Crossline, the zany SF/F backpacking comedy series Finders Keepers, Genius de Milo, and Astropalooza, Editor of the SF anthology Love, Murder, & Mayhem, and co-author of the noir anthology, Murder in the Montague Falls, all with Crazy 8 Press.

Russ has contributed to several other anthologies, including Tales of the Crimson Keep, Pangea, Altered States of the Union, They Keep Killing Glenn, Thrilling Adventure Yarns, Badass Moms, Brave New Girls, Camelot 13, and TV Gods 2.

For more on Russ and his books visit, follow hom on Twitter and Instagram @AuthorDudeRuss, and 'like' his Facebook author page.

Russ lives in New Jersey with his wife, two ninjas, and crazy dog, Simon, who may in fact be an alien himself.

Well, there it is...


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